My friend Wena has been bugging me for a treat and to shut her up (hehehe) Dada and I obliged. We had a late dinner over at Casa Verde in IT Park. When Dada and I got there, the place was packed so we had to wait for some customers to leave. Casa Verde is one of our favorite places to dine in because of the service and the food obviously but we have never been to the IT branch. So like critiques, Dada and I ordered and patiently waited for Wena and Michy to arrive.
I was disappointed that they only had one last serving of Brian’s Ribs because it is my favorite. I let Dada have it and I ordered something else, something not as delicious
. When Wena and Michy arrived they didn’t waste, they ordered right away. It’s everyone’s off except for Michy so her comment was, “service here is kinda slow” because it was only her lunch break. We tempted her not to back to work and just spend the evening with us but she graciously declined.
Wena ordered some pasta but her dessert came before the meal itself hihihi In the main Casa Verde branch, when we order dessert they always ask if we want it served after we are done with the full meal. That is something they failed to ask us. Common sense though would tell anyone that a dessert follows a meal so it has to be served after the meal is over, especially if the dessert has anything that melts on it like ice cream.
We had a few laughs over dinner. It was fun, just unwinding, talking to friends and gossiping. Its something we have not done for a very long time. I didn’t realize I’ve missed Wena so much till tonight. Oh the fun we used to have together. I came to accept the fact that our lives changed and we can not bring those days back. We both have different priorities now. Indeed, memory serves a good reminder of what we can never have back. Well that doesn’t mean we can not try to have special moments, right? To prove my point, just like old times I finished off Wena’s pasta tonight haha the girl can never finish her food^_^