6-question tag
For this one, I thank the sweet PurpledSky
The rules are posted at the beginning. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then go to their blog and leave a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
• I honestly do not remember..but I remember I was so into boys when I was 14 hahaha
2. What are 5 things on my to-do list today?
• Check Ebay
• Check emails
• Sleep
• Bloghop
• Play Tekken
3. Snacks I enjoy:
• Puto & Dinuguan
• Skyflakes
• French Fries
4. Places I’ve lived:
• Davao CIty
• Cebu City
5. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire:
• Travel around the world
• Open a Swiss Bank Account
• Shop all over the world
• Build my dreamhouse
• Make a foundation for children who are too poor to go to school
6. People I want to know more about:
• Lady Godiva
• Cleopatra
• Abraham Lincoln
• Jesse James
Am tagging Carol, Sheng and Weng.
Both Carol and Tchel are right when they tagged me with this because I love this hahaha have a thing for shoes. Tnx blogging sistuhz!
{Start Copy}
What’s your shoe size? Are your feet the same size as your mom’s feet? How about your sister’s feet? Can you borrow shoes from each other? Post a picture of your latest shoe buy. Tag the number of women of your shoe size, i.e. size 5 = tag 5 friends. Don’t forget to drop a line in this blog when you’re done.
Jenny and Belle
SAHMdom and Beyond
The Journey Continues…
Mommy Talks…
When Mom Speaks
Walk on Red
Random Thoughts
My Precious Niche
Home Sweet Blahh
Joys In Life
Sheng’s Simple Thoughts
Kikay Fashion and Beauty
Ylan's Refuge
Twinkletoe Writing Space
You're Next!
{End Copy}
Here's a photo of the shoes I bought this month hihihi I'm into heels because it's sexy and it makes me walk and talk sexy ggrrr!
My shoe size : 5
My mother's shoe size: 5
Tagging Bena, Michy, Wena and Mier!
I have been using my Paypal for awhile now and it just occurred to me that it could be more convenient if I add my bank account and withdraw my money from there instead of my credit card or EON card. I don’t know if you have all tried it. It gave me an error on the first attempt saying the account number was invalid. Well I must’ve done something wrong because I know this can be done and I know it’s the correct account number for my Chinabank account. I tried typing back the account number without the das this time and it worked! I’m one happy camper now.
Please refer to the information below for your Bank’s Paypal code.
Here is the official pay pal bank code list of major banks in the Philippines:
ASIA UNITED BANK | 011020011 |
BANGKOK BANK | 010670019 |
BANK OF AMERICA | 010120019 |
BANK OF CHINA | 011140014 |
BANK OF TOKYO | 010460012 |
BANCO DE ORO (& EPCIB) | 010530667 |
BANK OF COMMERCE | 010440016 |
CHINA BANKING CORP | 010100013 |
CITIBANK N.A. | 010070017 |
DEVT BANK OF THE PHILS | 010590018 |
DEUTSCHE BANK | 010650013 |
EAST WEST BANK | 010620014 |
EXPORT & INDUSTRY BANK | 010860010 |
FUJI BANK | 010640010 |
INTL EXCHANGE BANK | 010680012 |
JP MORGAN CHASE BANK | 010720011 |
LAND BANK OF THE PHILS | 010350025 |
MAYBANK OF THE PHILS | 010220016 |
PHIL TRUST COMPANY | 010090039 |
PHIL NATIONAL BANK | 010080010 |
PRUDENTIAL BANK | 010150018 |
PHIL VETERANS BANK | 010330016 |
SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO | 010140015 |
Dada and I went shopping this afternoon and promised not to shop again until Christmas because that is when all the good stuff comes out. Well I made reservations for some pre-order items online as well and I should get it this month but that should be the last..promise!
I already have a yellow purse to match my yellow shoes but when I saw this yellow Secosana bag earlier, I felt weak in the knees so I just had to buy it and I did. No matter how many times I tell myself to stop being such an impulse buyer, I still end up buying things that are not really considered essential in life. Well I guess that is why it's called impulse buying because it just happens out of impulse and you only realize what just happened after you pay for it. Oh well!
A pair of gorgeous eyes is a true asset. I can not help but stare at people with beautiful eyes, thick and long lashes that could cast dramatic shadows. My lashes are fairly long but not that thick. I have heard of the eyelash extension service at salons where they attach individual strands to your lash to add length and volume. Depends on where you have it done and how it’s done, the price may vary. So far, I know of 2 salons here in Cebu that provides this service; Maanyag and Hortaleza Salon. I so want to try it but Dada does not approve of the idea. He usually is my biggest supporter but not on this one.
Eyelash extensions are truly way better than curling your lash and putting on that pesky mascara. This is hot in Hollywood but we don’t have to pay as much here.
There is only very few stuff in this world that I’m OC about and that includes my bags and shoes. For every bag I have, I also have a pair of shoes to match it. It’s one way for me to find synergy in my everyday life. Dada laughs at how silly it is but I can NOT be seen, let alone go out with a mismatched outfit.
The only basic color I lack from my collection is red. So whenever we go shopping we always look for a red shoe because a red bag is easy to find. We always see a lot of reds in any shoe zone we enter. The problem is my shoes size. It’s so hard to find a 5 these days. When we do see one, it’s not heeled and I have a thing for sexy heels.
Tonight I triumphed over weeks of constant search because I finally found the perfect pair at Robinson’s. Weeeehh! So here, I'm flaunting it ^_^
Next stop, purple bag and shoes!!!
I rarely text or call anyone except of course Dada. When my sister back home called this afternoon just to chat, it was a welcomed intervention from sleep. I wasn't very interested at first but the conversation got juicy and interesting when the phone was handed over to my cousins. It made me realize how I've missed them all.
One of my cousins started blabbering about people I used to know and I didn't expect I would be so excited about it but I was. Well maybe excited is not the right word but somehow something inside me sort of felt queasy but not in a bad way.
Why do names and faces have an odd way of affecting us?
Have you ever lost something you thought you didn't want?
Am I even making sense? Oh well, emotions are not suppose to make sense anyway.
When Dada’s teammate went home to Bacolod, he gave her 500Php budget for Bacolod-made delicacies as “pasalubong”. I was shocked to see so much food on our mini table when I got home yesterday. We ate some and I gave some to my friends at work and we still have this much today. There is just more than enough for both of us. It’s very distracting to see this much food around especially when you’re trying to lose weight.
With the onslaught of many hosting companies on the web deciding where to sign up can be a bit of a hassle. For me I usually check out web hosting rating sites to check which ones appear constantly on the top 10, it differs from one rating site to another but usually on the top 10 its almost always the same companies. I'd also consider going for those companies with web hosting awards and those that offer web hosting tutorials after all not everyone really knows what they're doing.
Ok so my PC's back up and last week Dada bought a PSP. He always wanted one; I finally gave in and let him have his peace. At least he will not be sharing the PC with me since he only uses it for games anyway. My reasons for using the PC are far more important than his.
Now that he has a PSP, he could get lost for hours just playing. It's like he is back to being a kid, oblivious to what's going on except for his precious games. I don't mind coz then I can use the PC for hours to blog, watch movies and shop without him bugging me.
I got to admit though, I'm starting to enjoy having this gaming device around now that I'm learning how to use it hahaha I guess the only reason I wasn't very impress with it was that I'm really not a gamer. But Dada was very patient in teaching me (tnx babz). Now I play Tekken, Harvest Moon and my all time fave Luxor! Weehh!
After seeing some of my friends took home their winnings from poker, I have never stopped struggling to learn it. Like a baby who first needs to learn how to walk before he can run. I too must first learn how to play before I can even win anything. Sometimes I get confused and I never run out of questions; it is a good thing though that I can find answers through the internet in the absence of my buddies. I can’t help but be glad that there are so many online resources I can find for playing poker especially online casinos poker. This should make my learning a little bit easier.
Not everyone plays poker that is why there are also other games accessible in various online casinos. Casinos online have developed a steady fan worldwide so games aside from poker, such as backgammon and spades are also gaining notoriety.
Went on to an early morning shopping with my boyfriend and got home at about lunch, sigh! I bought a pair of black shoes to match the black purse I got last week. It’s not something I chose, its dada’s. I’m a size 5 so my market for shoes is kinda limited. Makes me want to scream when I walk into a store only to find out that the smallest size they have is a 7 ggrrrr!
When I checked my phone this morning, I saw that I have one missed call but the weird thing was that when I checked it is from an unknown number. I hardly give out my phone number so you know the feeling when you can’t get something off your head? That’s exactly how I felt. I kept thinking who could own that number and why call? I tried to give the number a ring back but nobody’s answering.
It is in cases like this that I want to have the services of Trace Number. That way I can just look up the owner and address of unknown numbers I see in my call list history without alarming them. Every transaction is completely confidential. This is an answer to a lot of person’s prayers.
My friend Wena has been bugging me for a treat and to shut her up (hehehe) Dada and I obliged. We had a late dinner over at Casa Verde in IT Park. When Dada and I got there, the place was packed so we had to wait for some customers to leave. Casa Verde is one of our favorite places to dine in because of the service and the food obviously but we have never been to the IT branch. So like critiques, Dada and I ordered and patiently waited for Wena and Michy to arrive.
I was disappointed that they only had one last serving of Brian’s Ribs because it is my favorite. I let Dada have it and I ordered something else, something not as delicious
. When Wena and Michy arrived they didn’t waste, they ordered right away. It’s everyone’s off except for Michy so her comment was, “service here is kinda slow” because it was only her lunch break. We tempted her not to back to work and just spend the evening with us but she graciously declined.
Wena ordered some pasta but her dessert came before the meal itself hihihi In the main Casa Verde branch, when we order dessert they always ask if we want it served after we are done with the full meal. That is something they failed to ask us. Common sense though would tell anyone that a dessert follows a meal so it has to be served after the meal is over, especially if the dessert has anything that melts on it like ice cream.
We had a few laughs over dinner. It was fun, just unwinding, talking to friends and gossiping. Its something we have not done for a very long time. I didn’t realize I’ve missed Wena so much till tonight. Oh the fun we used to have together. I came to accept the fact that our lives changed and we can not bring those days back. We both have different priorities now. Indeed, memory serves a good reminder of what we can never have back. Well that doesn’t mean we can not try to have special moments, right? To prove my point, just like old times I finished off Wena’s pasta tonight haha the girl can never finish her food^_^
This is the face of a happy creature. I don’t know the story behind this happy cat. It must be interesting to find out, don’t you think so? Just like that adorable cat, I’m laughing inside, why? Well it was just last February of this year that Citibank increased my credit limit and they just increased it again when I checked it today. Higher credit limit could only mean one thing…more shopping! Weeehh!!
The Olympic fever caught up to us all the way to the pantry. For wave 36, Michael Phelps is always the best delicacy served during lunch. Although I am not a sports freak let alone a swimming freak for that matter because I can't swim, I can not help but admire how great a swimmer this Olympic Gold medalist is with a drool-worthy bod to boot. Every fiber of my existence shivers whenever he moves. I know his intentions are pure and wholesome when he swims, but girls can't help but interpret it differently. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining nuh-uh am not.
I had a long frantic week that I just wanted it to end so I can spend the weekend with Dada. I have missed him so much! At first I love not having the same schedule with him but lately I realized it's just very different. Yes this made us miss each other more, it's like a thirst that can only be quenched with each other's fluid hahaha that should feed your imagination. We both want to sleep and wake up together. I hate not seeing him next to me when I wake up. The bed somehow seems bigger and empty without him.
Unlike before, we only get to spend a limited time together daily because I had to leave before he gets home and he leaves 3 hours after I'm home (sigh). This however made me realize how much I love him and how much I have taken him for granted because he was constantly around. I felt that it was always a given fact in my life that he is there when I need him. Now that has changed because of work and I want to treasure every moment spent with him. I savor every hug, kiss and cuddle. Somehow the fights I pick over petty stuff are just not worth it. I just want to cling to him when he is around and tell him that I love him so much, yes I do (sigh).
My heart, everything in me for that matter knows that its rightful place is with Dada.
Ever felt that need to just call someone and talk without caring who that person is? I mean not to get personal but to just talk and have fun? I guess with technology that can be done online with the boom of many chat lines but what about talking over the phone, free chat over the phone that is without getting hung up on. Apparently there's this site offering such a service, its free for a couple of days and if you like it then you can go ahead and avail of the paid subscription. There's teen chat for those just about 18 and adult chat for those well way beyond twenty. Duh!!!
Got this spam email from work, courtesy of Griz and i want to share it to everyone because this cracked me up.
1) If you are choking on ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto. The blockage will be almost instantly removed.
2) Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.
3) Avoid arguments with your partner about lifting the toilet seat by simply using the sink.
4) For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. remember to use a timer.
5) A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
6) If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. Then you will be afraid to cough.
7) Have a bad toothache? Smash your thumb with a hammer and you will forget about the toothache.
8) Sometimes, we just need to remember what the rules of life really are: You only need two tools: WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.
9) Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
10) Never pass up an opportunity to get to the bathroom.
11) If you woke up breathing, CONGRATULATIONS!! You get another chance.
12) And finally, be really nice to your family and friends; you never know when you might need them to empty your bedpan.
13) The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four people is suffering from some sort of mental illness. think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you!
Hope you guys had fun reading!
I guess you can say I am panic-blogging. Well who wouldn't be? My PC is busted (made a mental note to have it checked) and I can not blog from work all the time because the the I.T people blocked blogger (made another mental note to buy my own domain). So unlike before i can not write daily (sigh). So when I am able to write, I do it kinda wholesale nyahahaha because who knows when i can write again (sigh again). Oh well I should just throw my useless PC out the window and buy a laptop, it's almost my birthday anyway.
I want to thank Sheng for sharing this award with me! Really appreciate it girl!
The above recipients of the Brillante Weblog are welcomed to put the Logo on their personal blogs and have the honor of passing this award to seven other bloggers.Here are the rules for passing on the award:
l. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog
Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
I want to share this to everybody on my list! I know it beats the purpose of nominating just 7 blogs; but I would really like everyone to have this too! So grab it guys!
Although I have several subscriptions for sites that pay bloggers to write, I am happiest with Loudlaunch. Why? because I only need to write articles of 150 words minimum and once it's submitted, consider it approved. The best thing about it is that every task never goes lower than 20USD, great right? I just received my first pay from LoudLaunch and i didn't even expect it. Imagine my surprise when i got an email notification that my Paypal received 144USD and that was only for 6 to 7 articles. Not bad at all!
I know it's still August but I'm uber excited to be able to buy some sexy halloween costumes for November. I've never really tried these costumes so it would be great to be able to experience having a party with adult halloween costumes. You can pretend to be whoever you want to be even just for a day. It's going to be wild and crazy I tell you!
We had our annual examinations earlier and part of the test is visual acuity. Am sure I failed on this one as I have astigmatism and my sight has never been at its sharpness. So a friend I met online suggested I get Zenni Optical $ 8 Rx Eyeglasses, they're of good quality according to her and the Incredible Stylish New Frames From Zenni made them so fashionable that Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Can you imagine that? She asked me and I was like so long as they have pink on stock. Why not?
Just when I have my nails grown to me desired length and I have all the nail polish colors I need to match my outfit, I broke a nail. I broke it trying to open the number combination lock for my locker at work. The numbers won't push and got stuck so I had to force it open and in doing so broke my lovely nail! I think this is badluck because yesterday, my PC at home just wouldn't start no matter what I do. Well the PC incident happened first though then the nail..gggrrrrr!! Blogging from work (sigh).
Phew! It has been a really long week for me. Well its a long week for everyone as a matter of fact and everyone got their own agenda as to what they want to do. Part of mine was to spend the day with dada however he wants it. So we eneded up going to SM right after work to watch the 3rd installment of "D Mummy". He has been bugging me to watch movies lately but I kept on saying no. I'm a movie freak but I would much rather just wait for the DVD and watch it in the comfort of my own room with my feet up.
I was looking for some good old country music lyrics last night when I happened upon this new site with the some of the coolest Country Music Video. I love how easy navigation within the site is. It didn’t take me long to find the Keith Urban song I was looking for.
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About Me

- soreal
- Cebu, Philippines
- I'm back loaded with more wit and maturity, as well as a renewed passion for life, love and blogging. Yes, I was on blogging-sabbatical for what seemed like ages. Oh, and all the things I learned, good and bad, are definitely worth writing a book about. I might actually do in the future, if I don't forget or if the impulse becomes insurmountable. Besides that, I'm simply happy and extremely grateful to be blessed beyond belief.
What I'm doing
- A Woman's Worth
- 6 Question Taggie
- The Shoe Tag!
- List of Paypal Code for Philippine Banks
- Shopping Makes Me Weak
- Eyelash Extensions
- The Reds
- Not Making Sense
- Food From Bacolod
- Web Hosting
- His PSP
- Gambling
- Shoe Shopping!!
- To Trace an Unknown Number
- With Friends Over at Casa Verde
- Happy Creature
- Michael Phelps for Lunch!
- Missing Dada
- Talk and Talk
- Amazing Simple Home Remedies
- Panic-Blogging
- Brillante Weblog
- My First Pay From LoudLaunch
- For the Halloween
- Stylish Glasses
- Broke My Nail
- Buying Things
- Rest Finally
- A Little Bit of Country
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