It's been awhile since I received a tag so this one is very welcome.
Thank you Dez for sharing this with me!I do have days when things just go from bad to worse but I try to remind myself of why I should be thankful. Writing it like this is a good idea to not forget. Reading it out loud so I can hear it is even better!
1. Add your blog to the list. If you’re keeping multiple blogs, it’ll be fine if you add them all up and just post your answers in one of those blogs.
2. IMPORTANT: kindly get back to me [architect] so i will be able to visit your sites, read your answers and include you in the Masterlist
3. Please do copy from Start to End.
4. You may tag as many online friends as you please.
Copy this Participants List: sweet..pretty..naughty | Memory Filled | Sweety tots | My Life in this Wonderful World | My Online World | So Real | Your blog here.
1) I'm happy that during bad days, a day only lasts 24 hours and I can start fresh the morning after.
2) I'm happy I have a job I love that actually pays.
3) I'm happy I have the most understanding bf in whole world that gives me more than I deserve.
4) I'm happy I got my online purchases today.
5) I'm happy my family is complete.
6) I'm happy that my hair is now long enough to be tied into a ponytail.
7) I'm happy we are finally moving to a place that is just 1 ride to almost anywhere in Cebu.
8) I'm happy I'm gaining weight because that means I'm occupying more space than others hahaha
9) I'm happy my bf performs really well in his job.
10) Most of all, I'm just happy to be here and be alive.
Tagging the happy people I know, Wena, Michy, Bena, Eds and Tchel.
This entry was posted
on Saturday, October 04, 2008
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- soreal
- Cebu, Philippines
- I'm back loaded with more wit and maturity, as well as a renewed passion for life, love and blogging. Yes, I was on blogging-sabbatical for what seemed like ages. Oh, and all the things I learned, good and bad, are definitely worth writing a book about. I might actually do in the future, if I don't forget or if the impulse becomes insurmountable. Besides that, I'm simply happy and extremely grateful to be blessed beyond belief.
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