Despite the bad weather, Wena and I were still able to shop from head-to-toe for the perfect dress, shoes, and accessories she’ll wear to the wedding she’s attending this Sunday. We were at SM the whole afternoon, oblivious to what’s happening outside. I did hear that Cebu was at signal number something and it was Bagyong Frank. I’m not sure if I heard right though, I mean I refuse to listen, watch and read the news because I find the content to frustrating for my comfort sometimes.
Back to the more carefree stuff, Dada had to come along and since he can never understand girls and shopping haha he had the goofy and perplexed expression as we raid every shop. With how we sprinted all over SM, I would say shopping is a good cardio workout. I think we have pretty much covered a respectable distance altogether before going for the dress at July. Wena couldn’t really decide so I made the decision for her; a turquoise ensemble with a dash of purple accent, really lovely! I will also do her make up on Sunday and I can’t wait to get my hands on her eyebrows. I have been itching to shape it since we first met! I wonder how she will look with make up and everything nice on? ^_^