Are you the type of person who is into ghetto music? Well if the answer to that is yes, then listening to hip hop beats would be a delight to you. Discovered a site called Jee Juh where in musical beats are up for grabs. Produced by talented artists, the beats vary from East Coast to Chill and Exotic. If you want to learn more before making a purchase you can visit the hip hop forum and hang out with other hip hoppers like you. If you're into rap music then rap text battle would be for you. Another forum dedicated for users to rant, rave and chill out.
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About Me

- soreal
- Cebu, Philippines
- I'm back loaded with more wit and maturity, as well as a renewed passion for life, love and blogging. Yes, I was on blogging-sabbatical for what seemed like ages. Oh, and all the things I learned, good and bad, are definitely worth writing a book about. I might actually do in the future, if I don't forget or if the impulse becomes insurmountable. Besides that, I'm simply happy and extremely grateful to be blessed beyond belief.
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